Learning Pro Tools
Pro Tools is regarded as the industry standard recording, editing and mixing software for both music and post production and can be heard on countless albums and many top films and TV shows.
If you are planning to be an audio engineer or music producer in today’s music industry, it is absolutely essential that you learn Pro Tools. With the advent of digital recording, Pro Tools has become the industry standard, and you’ll be hard pressed to find a recording studio that does not use it. Even if you plan to be a recording artist yourself, a basic working knowledge of this software is both helpful and necessary.
In this workshop, you will learn the basics of operating Pro Tools. Being able to launch the software, setup a recording session, edit some audio tracks , pitch correct a vocal performance or mix a multitrack music session is just a few of the skills you will obtain throughout this course. A major part of working in the audio industry in greatly hinged on your knowledge of Pro Tools and your ability to efficiently use it. Work with Pro Tools experts that have spent a lifetime mastering their skills and are ready to share their knowledge with you.
Enjoy the experience of learning in a professional recording facility where you can ask questions, gets hands on skills and work with others to take your skills to the next level.Enjoy the experience of learning in a professional environment where you can ask questions, gets hands on skills and work with others to take your skills to the next level.